10 questions with Lameez Amlay, MD at 27four Platform Services

In this series, we ask members from our team a mix of random questions, 10 to be exact, and see what’s on their mind – the projects they’re working on, things they like, and some surprising facts from the people that are living investments.

We are joined by Lameez Amlay, Managing Director at 27four Platform Services.

What are you currently working on right now?
I’m currently working on the business strategy, budget and potential opportunities for the year. Super excited to present solutions to the challenges our clients face.

What is the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
The world’s oldest man, Masazo Nonaka dies in Japan aged 113. He was born just months before Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity and two years after humanity’s first powered flight. I am not sure how I feel about living that long!

What are you listening to right now?
At this moment, I am obsessed with the musical talents of Freddie Mercury and the British rock band Queen!

What is the bucket list destination you’re most looking forward to?
I am mostly looking forward to retirement as a destination, but would love to explore the cities of India when the opportunity arises.

If you had a time machine, where would you go right now?
I would go 100 years into the future. It would be mind-blowing to see what our world would look like 100 years from now, the advancement in technology, the culture, the music and the social norms.

How do you keep healthy during your busy schedule?
I once read an article that the average adult spends more than half of their day sitting, putting your health at risk. I make an effort to walk as much as I can during the day, whether it be an early morning coffee run, a lunchtime walk or an after-hours training session.

What major things are happening in life insurance right now?The implementation of the default regulations, taking effect on 1 March 2019 is a major opportunity for life companies. The default regulations require the trustees of retirement funds to implement an annuity strategy for retiring members. Linked-life companies, such as 27four Life, are able to provide retirement funds with an out-of-fund living annuity, tailored to the needs of each retiree of the fund. The retirement journey of each member and the annuity strategy could be considered the most important of the default regulations.

What are you working on in your free time?
I enjoy transforming living spaces into beautifully designed rooms in my free time. I restore old furniture to use in and around my living area.

Teach us something we don’t know about you.
I developed a love for the performing arts at a very young age and started singing in high school musicals and productions. I occasionally sing at wedding ceremonies and events of friends.

Finally, can you give us a quick savings tip?
Control impulse spending. Whenever you feel the urge-to-splurge, transfer the money you would have spent, into a long-term savings vehicle and see how much you can save by controlling your spending.